In line with the celebration of World Teachers Day this October 2, 2023, almost 2000 high school and elementary teachers from the Schools Division Office of Ilagan joined the Division Teachers’ Day Culminating program held at Ilagan Community Center, Ilagan City, Isabela.

A total of 10 clusters and 10 participating private institutions attended the activity where teachers swayed and dance in the Tik-Tok competition. They were also serenaded by the contestants of the singing competition.

Participants who won in the raffle draws received gifts, tokens and 25 kilos of rice.

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Nelia Mabuti explained the importance of acknowledging the hard works and efforts of educators across the globe.

“To all the Teachers nationwide and worldwide we really are proud to be a teacher because we contribute to the nation building this is the loveless profession ever so let us be proud to be a teacher and may the dedication, yung commitment yung hard work that comes from our heart will stay,” She reiterated

Meanwhile, awarding for the most outstanding teachers, school heads, non-teaching personnel and recognition of exemplary schools in Ilagan will be the highlight of this year’s World Teachers’ Day Celebration in the city.